Commercial Wallpaper Manufacturers
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ATF Ammendorfer Tapetenfabrik GmbH:  German wallpaper manufacturer.  Website is in German, use this to translate.

Alexander Beauchamp:  English wallpaper manufacturer.

Ambtra Inc:  Makers of Belbein Architectural Vinyl Laminate and Bonlex wallpaper.

BN International:  Dutch wallpaper manufacturer.  Makers of Durafort wallpaper.

Bekaert Textiles:  Belgian wallpaper manufacturer.

Blue Mountain Wallcoverings:  Makers of Plexus wallpaper.

C/S Group:  Makers of Acrovyn wallpaper.

Carnegie:  Makers of fabric wallcovering.

Cavalier Prints and Cavalier Wallpaper:  Makers of wall liner (liner paper or blankstock), bridging material, non woven, and metallic wallpaper.

Concept Coverings Ltd:  English wallpaper manufacturer.

colour & design

da Vinci Wallcovering

Denise Fike Designs

Design Materials Inc:  Makers of sisal wallpaper.

DesignTex:  Makers of fabric wallpaper.


Eco Wallcoverings:  Swedish wallpaper manufacturer.

Fidelity Industries

FLEXi WALL SYSTEMS:  Manufactures gypsum-coated fabric wall liner.  Makers of Plaster in a Roll and Faster Plaster.

Flocart NV:  Belgian wallpaper manufacturer.


Graham & Brown:  English wallpaper manufacturer.

H&S Sales:  Makers of Terrapointe wallpaper.

Hornstein Glastextil AG:  Austrian wallpaper manufacturer.  Makers of woven glass wallpaper.


Innovations in Wallcoverings, Inc

InPro Corporation:  Makers of Antéra (Antera) wallpaper and Sanparrel Rigid Vinyl Sheet.

JM Lynne:  Makers of Blumenthal Wallcovering, who make Duraprene wallpaper.

John Oliver:  English wallpaper manufacturer.  Makers of metallic wallpaper.

Johns Manville Corporation:  Makers of Tassoglas paintable wallpaper.


Levwall, Inc:  Makers of Le Fleck and RomaTex wallpaper.

LSI Wallcovering:  Makers of Versa wallpaper.

MDC Wallcoverings

Newmor:  English wallpaper manufacturer.  Makers of Dixon Turner wallpaper.

OMNOVA Solutions:  Formerly GenCorp.  Makers of Avant, Bolta, ECORE, Essex, Genon, Scion, Tower, and Viewnique wallpaper.

Osborne & Little:  English wallpaper manufacturer.  Makers of Osborne & Little and Nina Campbell wallpaper.



RJF International Corp.:  Makers of Arbor Series, Koroseal, Koroseal Studios, Vicrtex, Rainbow Creations/Border Box Designs, Sanitas, Sanitas Couture and KoroGraphics Digital wallpaper.

RESINFLEX:  Italian Wallpaper manufacturer.  Makers of  Settecento, Aphonflex, P208, Paretex, Muraflex, Vinilico "R", Decorflex, Resimur, Skinflex wallpaper.

Rigo Industries

Roos International, Ltd    Makers of Texturglas wallpaper, Verastone Handcrafted Wallcovering, Boråstapeter AB (Borastapeter), a  Swedish wallpaper manufacturer who makes Moment and Borosan wallpaper, Sempatech S.A. paintable acoustical wallcovering, Ultratap Heavy Duty Wall Liner, and EnVision 54" non-woven contract wallcovering.

Roysons Corporation:  Makers of Rich-Wall, Rich-Tex, Roysons, and Vüre Design wallpaper.

SPM Sales and Distributing, Inc: Makers of Netherland Naturals and Colortex II linen and vinyl commercial wallpaper.

Sellers & Josephson

Shanghai Euroart Decoration Materials Co., Ltd:  Chinese wallpaper manufacturer.

Shanghai Kingwelson Decorative Materials Co., Ltd:  Chinese wallpaper manufacturer.

Sincol of America:  Makers of Sincol Classics, Sincol New Era, Sincol ECO-2000 wallpaper.

Somic:  English wallpaper manufacturer.  Makers of wallpaper fabrics that are produced from natural woven kraft.

Source One:  Makers of Drinkwine & Lehrmitt wallpaper.

Studio E

Suwalper Wallpaper Co:  Chinese wallpaper manufacturer.

TAYF:  Saudi Arabian wallpaper manufacturer.  Makers of Duradec wallpaper.

Texdecor:  French wallpaper manufacturer.  Makers of Texdecor, Casadeco, and Casamance wallpaper.

Today Interiors:  English wallpaper manufacturer.

Vescom Group:  English wallpaper manufacturer.  Makers of Vescom and Helen Sheane wallpaper.


Wall Covering Designs

Wallscape Inc


Walker Greenbank PLC:  English wallpaper manufacturer.  Makers of Harlequin, Morris & Co, Sanderson, Scion, Zoffany, and Anstey wallpaper.

Wallcovering Industries, Inc:  Makers of Curvwall wallpaper.

Wallquest:  Makers of Questex wallpaper.

Wolf Gordon:  Makers of Permawall wallpaper.

York Wallcoverings:  Makers of Studio Source, Carey Lind, Stacy Garcia, and Design Works wallpaper.

Zambaiti Parati:  Italian wallpaper manufacturer.  Makers of Happidea, Murella, Wally Casa, and Zankpatti wallpaper.

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